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System Design Projects

Work through a range of engineering projects

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Things You Will Learn

Work through these project examples to learn why and how different system are designed. Designed for individual or classroom activity.

HW01/02 - Skid-Steer Hydrostatic Drive System

skid steer circuit

Learn about the different functions on a hydrostatic drive, skid-steer excavator. Operate the control then explore how the hydraulic systems and components work together to provide the necessary features and performance.

  • Learn how to operate a skid-steer excavator
  • Learn how the three different functions work

HW01 Components and operation training

Video Instruction Interactive Experiments

  • Learn about the key performance and reliability issues
  • Understand the hydrostatic drive system closed circuit schematic
  • Understand some typical maintenance and diagnostic tasks

HW02 Maintenance and diagnostic training

Video Instruction Interactive Experiments

HW03 - Scissor Lift Design Project

scissor lift circuit

Work through the various decision-making factors of hydraulic circuit design to develop a working scissor lift solution.

  • Scissor lift design project tutorial
  • Circuit 1 - Basic, gravity fall, scissor lift circuit
  • Circuit 2 - Dubious flow control circuit
  • Circuit 3 - Flow control while lowering
  • Circuit 4 - Double cylinder lifting
  • Circuit 5 - Load holding PO check valve
  • Circuit 6 - Hose burst safety valve
  • Circuit 7 - Shock relief valve
  • Potential circuit design problems

Scissor lift design training

Video Instruction Interactive Experiments

HW04 - Industrial system design

tank pressure head

Learn to operate a power unit and control valve. Understand the components and how to maintain them. We also review the calculations and decisions required to design an industrial hydraulic power unit. Topics covered include:

  • Power unit parts and operation
  • Power unit testing and maintenance
  • Diagnostic exercises
  • Reservoir size
  • Pump inlet pressure calculations
  • Pipeline pressure loss

Hydraulic reservoir sizing training

Video Instruction Interactive Experiments

HW05 - Hydraulic Motor Sizing Project

Work through the calculations and decisions required to select the appropriately sized hydraulic motor.

Hydraulic motor sizing training